Youth Linking Awareness, Indonesia
The Batam Indonesia Orphanage Project has undergone a number of shifts over the years. In 2014, Loesje and the Harris Hotel management moved the project to a new location in Malang, Java, Indonesia. Loesje and a small “reconnaissance team ” visited the new Harris Hotel and Conventions facility during the winter of 2013 to work out the details. They developed a very comprehensive program for the 2014 project – with a BodyTalk Fundamentals class first, for locals and for project participants, a free clinic for Harris staff and locals, as well as for orphans and orphanage staff, in addition to orphanage visits and BodyTalk Access sharing during the orphanage visits!
Videos from the 2014 and 2015 Projects can be viewed here.
The youth in the 2010, 2011, and 2012 Batam Orphanage teams hailed from varied backgrounds and over 3 continents. All of them were trained as BodyTalk Access Technicians and/or Certified BodyTalk Practitioners. They all had experience in the life changing advantages of healing through the BodyTalk System as well as other modalities.
Their work reached out to the children of Indonesia in orphanages in Batam as well as young factory workers in the industrial zone. This project has created awareness and has supported health and wellbeing for an excess of 1000 children, youth, and associated staff.
Working within the concept of “teach someone to fish”, the Youth Team and their guests were able to aid in offering a life-long set of self-healing skills, without creating a co-dependency.
Harris Hotel and Conventions sponsored this project by committing their entire facility, including Executive Management, sales team, and more than 200 staff. A significant portion of accommodation, meals, assistance of interpreters, written materials, logistics and ground transportation were provided by Harris Hotel and Conventions. We are extremely grateful for their generous sponsorship in having made this project possible.
Supporting the Youth Team in guiding the children to learn BodyTalk Access Techniques for the 2012 project were:
Loesje Jacob ~ CBI, Adv CBP, PaRama 1,2
Kari Lesick ~ CBP, Youth Liaison
Paula K. Carter MSW, RSW, CBP
With Guest Presentations by:
AmaLia Wai Ching Lee & Lola Shirin-Wagner UNIFEM&YKK
Amy O’Mara teaching Reiki Level 1
Tannis Aitken EYA project
This video features original music by Saphira de Gobeo
Past Participants
As I sit here! Writing how grateful I am for an opportunity of a lifetime, there are no words to fully express my feelings. My heart is pounding in my chest, how profound the trip was for all the youth & facilitators concerned, is evident in the processing & integration we’re all experiencing and experience.
Lots of Love
Brett Robertson
This trip was a life changing experience that has changed many aspects of my life. I have gained a great Canadian family out of it and friendships that will last a lifetime. I have been given a much greater understanding about energy work and how if you just stop for a moment you will see the most incredible miracles each day that are unfolding before us.
Ayesha Campbell-Payne
I went on the trip to Batam, Indonesia in winter, 2010 expecting to teach and learn about BodyTalk Access ™. I never expected to experience the amazing events that unfurled over those two weeks. I witnessed myself and my peers grow and change drastically in such a short time; I feel that the group healed together and the orphanages we visited detected that energy. The results were a series of introductions to this amazingly effective healthcare modality and a lot of new friends!
The trip to Indonesia was a dream come true. I was put into an environment where I could look closely at my personal habits and had the support I needed to drastically shift the way I perceive and operate in the world. I felt a deep friendship and bond that could not have been created in any other way, and was finally in a place where I could be who I really am 100%. I deepened my understanding of “being authentic” and began to look at the world in ways that I never knew existed.
Thank you Loesje and “Robin Hood” (our Japanese Sponsor), for a journey that changed my life. It would not have been possible without your unwavering dedication. May we all be able to work as a team to make the next project manifest and bring great benefit to the world!
Aja Duniven
Global Peace Train, Engineer of Serendipity