Family Linking Awareness Journey
Journey Overview:
This two day course provides an opportunity for families with children 15 years and younger to share this experience.
Join the facilitator as you get taken on a deep journey into the experience of heart-brain integration and non-verbal communication.
Learn to listen to and communicate with aspects of the animal kingdom, your self, your body, nonverbal children, nonverbal adults and more.
Remember how to listen from your sacred heart space with your intuitive and imaginative subtle senses (hearing, vision, taste, smell, and feeling – empathic and subtle touch).
Receive a gift of energy activation to the “Blue Sirian Energy”.
When applied, the concepts in this experiential journey may have a significant impact on your own health and wellbeing, as well as that of the animal kingdom, your family, and more.
Journey Description – An Adventure in Consciousness:
Through entering into sacred heart space and communicating with aspects of the animal kingdom, your self, your body, nonverbal children, nonverbal adults and more, you will be exploring and breaking through limiting beliefs, ideas and attitudes about your life and your reality.
You will be encouraged to share your own personal experience. Debriefs are held after each exercise. Questions throughout the journey are encouraged.
Use the concepts learned through the Linking Awareness Journey CD© set to listen to and communicate with aspects of the animal kingdom, your self, your body, nonverbal children, nonverbal adults, more.
The “animal” component is a significant aspect of the Linking Awareness Journey©. Throughout the ages, man has linked in with the animals, whether as powerful totems, hunting or domestic companions for their wisdom, innate understanding, and connectedness with the environment.
More recently, the scientific community is (re) discovering that there is much more to animal “intelligence” than ever before imagined. Cutting edge practitioners of animal communication are promoting the concept of “Listen to the Animals” as opposed to “Talk to the Animals”.
This journey is not simply a training tool to “stop your dog from barking”, but rather it is a gateway to open your awareness of your total environment, from the inter-cellular to the inter-dimensional.
A Grand Journey indeed!
Journey summary:
Day one includes a half day power point presentation of the concepts covered in this experiential journey and an introduction to the Linking Awareness ~ Intercellular Communication ~ A Healing Journey CD set©.
Day two are dedicated to the practical application of the concepts introduced on the “Linking Awareness ~ Intercellular Communication ~ A Healing Journey” CD set©.
Depending on the location, this journey includes indoor and/or outdoor classrooms.
Depending on the location you may bring an appropriate animal to the class.
Depending on the location we may visit sanctuaries, animal shelters, farms, ranches, animal clinics, forest/jungle locations, etc.
With your commitment to registering and paying for this journey, your healing process starts, and you may notice aspects of your life beginning to shift.
Journey Outline:
Exploring Consciousness through your IMAGINATION
Day One:
- Sign up – registration – receive nametags
- Introductions of participants and Facilitator(s)
- Power point introduction – Honouring the Land and our Ancestors
Snack Break
- Power-Point presentation of the concepts:
- Intercellular Communication (sending and receiving non-verbal communication)
- Subtle Senses and the 4 Claire’s
- The 5(6) ‘subtle’ or psychic senses are: sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch, and feeling (empathy). Some people categorize them as follows;
- Clairvoyance ~ “Visions, images and mental pictures” – either literal or symbolic
- Clairaudience ~ “Sounds, voices, and words” ~ either inside and/or outside your head
- Clairsentience ~ “Feelings and hunches or senses” ~ emotions or physical feelings or sensations, including smell, temperature or texture ~ inside and/or outside your body
- Clair cognizance ~ “Thoughts, ideas, inner certainty or knowing”
- Why interact with non-verbal Sentient Beings
- Common Characteristics of Intuitive Communication
- Enhancing Communication
- Blocks to clear Communication
- Noticing Your Energy Fields and their affect on Sentient Beings
- A few frequently asked questions
Lunch Break
Practical Application:
- Linking Awareness Journey CD© download #1 ~ Receive a gift of energy activation to the “Blue Sirian Energy”
- Debrief your experience of the CD© download #1
Concepts covered on the CD set:
- Base/Root Chakra ~ Represented by the Red Elephant.
- Sexual/Sacral Chakra ~ Represented by the Orange Alligator/Crocodile.
- Solar Plexus Chakra ~ Represented by the Yellow Lion.
- Heart Chakra ~ Represented by the Green Hummingbird.
- Throat Chakra ~ Represented by the Blue Whale.
- Third Eye/Brow Chakra ~ Represented by the Indigo Eagle.
- Crown Chakra ~ Represented by the Violet Herd of Horses.
- Rainbow Body ~ Represented by the Rainbow Dolphin.
- Adamantine Particles ~ Represented by the Adamantine Blue Ocean.
- Germain’s Violet Flame ~ Represented by the Well and the Violet Flame.
- Christ Consciousness and The Unicorn ~ Represented by the Narwhal.
- Cleansing Negative Low Frequency Energy ~ Represented by the Spiritual Waterfall.
- Blue Sirian Energy ~ Represented by the Min-Min Lights.
- BodyTalk Concept “Big 4” ~ Represented by the Raccoon.
- Blue Sirian Energy ~ Represented by the Blue Clay.
Snack Break
- Linking Awareness Journey CD© download #2 ~ “Power Totem” exercise
- Debrief your experience with your “Power Totem”
Day Two:
Practical application of the CD© set:
- Introduce the day
- Questions and Answer
- Linking Awareness Journey CD© download #3 ~ Subtle Hearing exercise
- Debrief
Snack Break
- Linking Awareness Journey CD© download #4 ~ Subtle Smell exercise
- Debrief
- Linking Awareness Journey CD© download #4 ~ Subtle Taste exercise
- Debrief
Lunch Break
- Linking Awareness Journey CD© download #3 ~ Subtle Sight exercis
- Debrief
- Linking Awareness Journey CD© download #4 ~ Subtle Feeling ~ touch exercise
- Debrief
Snack Break
- Linking Awareness Journey CD© download #4 ~ Subtle feeling ~ empathic (shape shift) exercise
- Debrief
- Linking Awareness Journey Certificate signing
Exercises will be done with live animals, pictures, partners, holograms, etc.
This journey also includes indoor and outdoor settings depending on the location.
Journey Objectives:
Upon completion of this Linking Awareness Journey© each participant will be able to:
- Utilize a set of intercellular (non ~ verbal) communication tools that can be safely used for self healing and to explore self
- Communicate with aspects of the animal kingdom, your self, your body, non-verbal children, non-verbal adults and more
- Apply these new tools to the benefit of your own health, the animal kingdom, nonverbal children, nonverbal adults and more
- Heal from heart space
- Heal with “Blue Sirian Energy”
- Integrate the concepts and practical application of this journey into the home and/or with friends
For Animal Guardians and Companions:
- Get to know your animal companion from a whole New Perspective
- Create a stronger bond with your animal companion
- Learn to listen to your animal companion intuitively
- By listening to the animal, this experiential course will help enhance your animal training skills
- Listening to the animals intuitively, can support the animals through behavioural and or/physical and health challenges by getting insights directly from the animal itself
- This integrative approach to listening to the animals supports your veterinarian and other animal professionals via a deeper intuitive understanding of the animal
- Develop an understanding of the animal kingdom’s connection with you at a distance
- Perceiving the animal kingdom’s messages before they become body language
- Learning how the animal kingdom’s body language will validate the messages you receive
- Develop a deeper understanding of the emotional needs of the animal kingdom
- Appreciate the spiritual aspects of the animal kingdom
- Appreciate the Wisdom of the Animal Kingdom
This journey is designed to take your Intercellular Communication and heart based healing to the next level.
Linking Awareness ~ Intercellular Communication ~ A Healing Journey©, far from being only a useful tool for “Animal Communication”, is a deep journey into heart-brain integration. This journey allows you to access and apply a comprehensive and integrative spectrum of tools through the imaginative journey to the heart and the development of your six “subtle senses”.
The intuitive and imaginative hearing, seeing, tasting, smelling, and feeling (tactile and emotional) senses are engaged and refined through a series of guided journeys and exercises. Your ability to “read the field” is also greatly enhanced, providing increasingly more detailed intuitive information.
Your family, and you yourself, will quickly appreciate the depth and breadth of the received information as well as the profound shifts that this journey enables.
The “animal” component is a significant aspect of the Linking Awareness Journey©. Throughout the ages, man has linked in with the animals, whether as powerful totems, hunting or domestic companions for their wisdom, innate understanding and connectedness with the environment.
More recently, the scientific community is (re) discovering that there is much more to animal “intelligence” than ever before imagined. Cutting edge practitioners of animal communication are promoting the concept of “Listen to the Animals” as opposed to “Talk to the Animals”.
This journey is not a training tool to stop your dog from barking, but rather it is a doorway to open awareness of your total environment, from the inter-cellular to the inter-dimensional.
Textbook: Linking Awareness ~ Intercellular Communication ~ A Healing Journey manual©
Additional Materials: Linking Awareness ~ Intercellular Communication ~ A Healing Journey CD©
Day 1: Classroom-type setting.
Day 2: Sanctuaries, animal shelters, farms, ranches, animal clinics, forest/jungle locations, etc.
External pre-requisite Approval:
Pre-requisite for Linking Awareness Practical© (non-IBA affiliate course)
Pre-requisite for Linking Awareness Adventure© (non-IBA affiliate course)
Pre-requisite for Linking Awareness Practical© (non-IBA affiliate course) and Pre-requisite for Linking Awareness Adventure© (non-IBA affiliate course)