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Linking Awareness Pendant


Is a unique synthesis of nature, science, geometric and spiritual properties, amplifying our human crystalline nature. The Pendant is cut and polished from Siberian Blue Quartz in the form of the Star of David, wrapped in a silver setting and uniquely possessing physical and metaphysical properties.

Different crystals resonate at different frequencies, and with the Linking Awareness Pendant, we have been able to embed the Masters’ Crystals Coherence Frequencies as well as the Frequencies of the Linking Awareness ~ Intercellular Communication ~ A Healing Journey, to bring you a crystal of unusual and concentrated focus.”



*Prerequisite to purchase the Linking Awareness Pendant: completing one Linking Awareness Journey.


Siberian Blue Quartz:

Siberian Blue Quartz is a joint effort of man and nature. Grown in a highly controlled laboratory environment using a hydrothermal technique in a high temperature autoclave from a natural seed crystal, Siberian Blue Quartz has no impurities or micro fractures. Siberian Blue Quartz is created by the addition of minute amounts of cobalt to the liquid mixture that feeds the seed crystal’s growth in the laboratory. The cobalt is what gives the deep blue coloration to the quartz crystal.

A deeper understanding of quartz crystal is necessary at this time for a fuller comprehension of what makes the Linking Awareness Pendant a powerful tool. Quartz crystal naturally transduces or converts Aetheric or Universal energy into a scalar energy form we can feel and utilize. This is true for all quartz crystal due to its molecular structure.
Natural quartz contains impurities, fractures and most importantly the information of Earth’s evolution. They are nature’s storage devices. Natural quartz grown in the laboratory is pure and uncluttered of information. This becomes important later in our discussion.

Additionally, as the computer industry is rapidly discovering, quartz crystal is a powerful storage device for information. Natural crystals contain the information of Earth Plane’s evolution. Quartz crystals grown in the lab are relatively data free. Picture your computer’s hard drive arriving from the factory with just the software (BIOS) necessary to have all the parts working together, but free of games, applications, browsers and more. That hard drive has a very large capacity for storing information. So does quartz crystal.


Properties of the Vogel Star of David cut, the Power of Shape:​

The Star of David cut crystal was invented by IBM scientist and energy healer Marcel Vogel, who introduced science to our quartz crystal understanding. He became a renowned energy healer who created precision cut crystals intuitively, according to the principles of sacred geometry, for healing and meditation purposes.


Why Shape is Important:

Vogel always wore a Star of David for protection. This Vogel Star of David, is composed of two triangles, one pointed up and the other down, this makes use of a symbol that has been used for millennia and represents the merging of the higher and lower worlds, enabling us to connect to the Divine, on our path of spiritual evolution.

The Star of David is a versatile tool that serves as a receiver, amplifier, and transmitter of Universal Life Force Energies and amplifies and strengthens the wearer’s bio­field, or aura (The “biofield” is the electro-magnetic field within and surrounding living organisms. The “aura” is the name given to the emanations of bio-energy (measurable by Kirlian photography) that emerge from energy centers in the body, along, out and beyond the “exits” (head, hands, feet, etc. and through the skin).

As with all sacred geometric forms, the power of shape is foundational to the energetic form created from the shape. The Vogel Star of David reminds us of the intersection of energy fields, dimensions and planes, and that we ourselves are­ a nexus point expressing itself. In addition, a strong human biofield serves as an energetic shield, protecting the bearer from all kinds of environmental toxins assailing us on the subtle levels 24 hours a day. It must be said here that quartz crystal exists naturally in a receptive ready state. It is the introduction of our human biofield in proximity to quartz crystal that energizes the quartz crystal to its capacity to conduct the energetic experience and exchange between Universal Consciousness and ourselves, ­an exchange that goes on beyond a million times a second, and by further definition exists because we do.


How quartz crystal interacts with energy fields, biofields:

Quartz crystal and the human crystalline structure are complimentary. The form of energy that quartz crystal produces from universal energy resonates with the human crystalline structure. Universal energy exists in the highest resolution of frequency as it contains all other frequencies. Our human biofield experiences this to varying degrees, in the same way a tuning fork will resonate a particular frequency, so does our human biofield. As our discernment and sensitivity increases, so does our ability to perceive and experience quartz crystal energy beyond our “direct physicality”.

The Linking Awareness Pendant has been embedded with two unique vibratory signatures. Using scalar technology as a carrier energy wave, the Linking Awareness Pendant now stores to capacity the unique vibratory signature of an Enlightened Master’s knowing. Much in the same way you would enlist Mario Andretti (Champion Race Driver) to teach you how to expertly drive a car, so the Linking Awareness Pendant exists to provide us with a resonant vibration to tune our human biofield. This energy experience is a direct Intercellular Communication exchange that seems to happen at the cellular level and beyond, bypassing our limiting beliefs, attitudes and other levels of filters allowing us a “pure” and “direct” experience of aspects of ourselves not previously accessible.

The second unique Linking Awareness Adventures Inc. energy signature is a symphony of frequencies, sounds and vibrations that “speak” to our human energy spectrum in relation to the animal kingdom, nature, and a heart-based human experience.

All parts of your human body have their own consciousness and frequencies. See this akin to your automobile going to the mechanic frequently to get “tuned up”: engine tuned to run perfectly, new tires with correct tire pressure, grease for no friction of metal parts working together, wheels aligned for straight and proper travel, etc. Wearing the Linking Awareness Pendant functions much the same way, offering ­frequent and on demand fine tunings to your component human energy fields.


Man rarely makes something that should be so natural:

This crystal is a great combination of serenity, beauty and purity. It corresponds to the throat and brow chakra and helps in enhancing intuition, intercellular (non-verbal) communication, clairvoyance (inner vision) and non-attachment. With the help of the Linking Awareness Pendant a person can overcome self-limiting beliefs and enter the world of endless possibilities – “Within creation, lies infinite possibilities”.

It also aids in reducing tension and all kinds of stress, and helps in detaching from the mundane matters and lower emotions in life. This stone helps in enhancing the flow of communication and helps a person to see the bigger picture, removing all types of stress and confusion.​


A Great Healing Crystal:

The Linking Awareness Pendant is a great healing crystal, particularly for those people who are seeking solitude, quiet and peace. It helps the seeker to find enlightenment through higher knowledge and wisdom. It helps spiritually sensitive beings like Star Children/Star Seeds to adjust and become comfortable on planet earth. Sleeping with the pendant in such matters can bring forth enlightening dreams and visions, which can help the person in their quest.
This crystal is great for people who work on mind or sight related pursuits. These include people involved in science, mathematics, public speaking, creative writing, teaching and acting. It also helps people who want to undergo past life regression or communicate with their spirit guides. Siberian Blue Quartz corresponds to the throat, third eye and crown chakras. It corresponds to the elements of wind and water.​


Blue Siberian Quartz ­ – The power of colour:

Blue Siberian Quartz Crystal aligns to the 7th Ray of Right Relationship. It is Ceremonial Order, of all things working in harmony and sacred geometric form. It is the beauty of the human body as it is geometrically in proportion to the beauty of all things in nature and how it works with geomancy. Everything is like a sacred design and everything architecturally begins manifesting in ways that are very harmonious with nature and long lasting, just like nature itself. It’s a natural way of progression for things to move through.

It helps one to relax, increase self-control and improve communication on all levels, also­ helping one to learn to forgive and forget the past negative relationships that block the ability to be open to new relationships that are loving and supportive rather than attracting negative emotionally non­-supportive relationships. It stimulates the vitality of the etheric field to heal those relationships to have a greater amount of right relationship based on complementation and the awakening of the Soul. This includes the type of work and people in your life, which would bring out soul vitality and healing so that the integration of the Soul can express a more natural lifestyle. It also helps activate the magnetic healing ability that a person may have, such as the laying on of hands.


Metaphysical Healing Properties:

Siberian Blue Quartz carries a great deal of energy. There is no other gemstone that so strikingly exhibits the Blue Ray, as does Siberian Blue Quartz. It activates both the throat chakra and the third eye in a blended harmony that both awakens the insights of the higher mind and facilitates the eloquent communication of its knowledge. The Wind element energy of this stone evokes psychic awakening, and it can be of assistance to those who wish to develop the powers of clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, prophecy, psycho kinesis, medium-ship and inter-dimensional communication.



The properties of cobalt make it a specific for creativity, both removing blockages to the creative impulse and enhancing creative powers in the many fields they are needed. It is said to lift the emotions and instill a sense of wonder in the creation we are surrounded by, but so often fail to appreciate.

Used in chakra healing it is a powerful third­-eye stimulator, promoting not only clairvoyance and all forms of intuition, but it also encourages a deeper comprehension of the things we meditate on. This property makes it an extremely useful healing stone.

Siberian Blue Quartz is created by the addition of minute amounts of cobalt to the liquid mixture that feeds the seed crystal’s growth in the laboratory. The cobalt imparts an amazing deep blue coloration to the quartz crystal.

Because of its unique property of activating the throat and third-eye chakras and clearing the connection between the two, Siberian Blue Quartz is said to infuse the user’s mind with the ideal of service to the world, and to help the user develop a strong commitment to furthering the spiritual development of all humanity. This same property provides the user with increased access to the Akashic Records, the energetic templates containing the patterns of perfection that govern the birth, growth and development of the human body (the microcosm) and the universe (the macrocosm). The development of clairvoyance, associated with the opening of the Third Eye Chakra, is enhanced by this increased access to the Akashic Records.

Mystery school traditions of both East and West have for millennia taught many difficult techniques for expanding the aura, for amplifying the human energy field. The reason is simple. The stronger the aura, the more tuned in the individual is to Source, and the better able they are to conduct Universal Life Force energy from the Source.


Masculine and Feminine sides of the Linking Awareness Pendant:

The Linking Awareness Pendant has two sides. The flat face holds the concept of being primarily feminine and the protruding face holds the concept of being primarily masculine.

The female face receives light energy and transmits universal energy via the male face.

When you wear the Linking Awareness Pendant, it is suggested the you place the female side next to your heart, and the male side facing away from your body.

The female, receptive side of the pendant will pick up the universal energy coming from your heart, the crystal will then amplify that energy, the male face of the crystal will then radiate that amplified energy in all directions around you, enveloping you and filling your biofield with amplified universal energy. Wearing the Linking Awareness Pendant strengthens your biofield and helps protect you from unwanted, intrusive energies of all kinds in your environment.


Aspects of Linking Awareness Pendant use:

Wearing the pendant is akin to a trickle charger for a battery; similarly, wearing the pendant full time potentially supports the maintenance of the Heart Field Coherence Waves.

Wearing the pendant in the Heart Chakra area (chest area) also draws the Quantum Love Gene via the heart chakra and shares that expression of Love with anything in your field.

Placing the Feminine side
of the pendant on top of a Sentient Being or a part of a Sentient Being may draw out and transmute lower frequency energy from that the area into a higher vibrational frequency.

Placing the Masculine side​ of the pendant on top of a Sentient Being or a part of a Sentient Being helps with focus of the observer and sends a laser beam of Blue Sirian Energy/Universal Love Energy/Quantum Love Gene to whatever you focus on at any/all levels, fragmenting and/or erasing/transmuting potential blockages.

Although, in our Linking Awareness Journey we utilize the above concepts, we must remember that paradoxically, quartz crystal works identically in either direction. The previous masculine/feminine discussion is better viewed as the sending/receiving functions of our human bio-fields. We are the observer (I am the observer), expressing the universal field of possibilities becoming probabilities.


“Within Creation, Lies Infinite Possibilities”